Research and Healing Studies
For further information about current research Studies please contact Mandy directly.
Pure Channel Healing currently has two studies:
1) Spiritual & Energy Healing Therapy Study: The Effects of Healing to Improve the Wellbeing of Residents in a Care Home for People with Dementia
2) The Effects of Healing to Improve the Wellbeing of People with PTSD
All members within the association are encouraged (with guidance and tuition) to run their own studies. We have a support forum focused on research. If you have an idea for a research study please contact Mandy.
If you would like to participate as patient or healer please contact Mandy.
01/11 - 03/20
Final report on request.
Currently being set up. If you have a diagnosis of PTSD and would like to take part please apply by contacting Mandy
Details to follow