Holistic Healing Practitioner Diploma
Pure Channel Healing
Course Overview
The syllabus for this Holistic Healing Practitioner Diploma closely follows both the CNHC’s Core Curriculum for Healing and Core Curriculum for Reiki published June 2017.
The Pure Channel Holistic Healing Practitioner’s Diploma course combines eastern and western spiritual, psychological and scientific traditions to provide an integrated perspective on well-being, health and healing.
On successful completion of the course the student will gain a professional qualification in Healing and will have in depth knowledge of spiritual healing, Reiki and energy healing. They will have also gained an optional fully certified Reiki qualification. They will have an understanding of the role of the different states of consciousness, colour, vibration, sound, emotions, thoughts and energy in the healing of the mind, body and spirit.
Additionally, anatomy and physiology, the science of epigenetics, personal shadow and soul work, meditation, visualisation and self-reflective practices will be interwoven with a stress management and a health maintenance programme for healers.
Communication skills and how to set up and build a successful professional practice are also covered.
Self-awareness, professional skills and knowledge underpin the whole course.
The two year course (a minimum of 200 hours study) includes eight-nine weekends of classroom tuition (guided learning a minimum of 100 hours) and practical skills on a one to one or group work basis as well as home study, 8 written assignments, and assessments including a formal practical healing sessions and code of conduct exam. Students will be required to complete a minimum of 6 case studies, a log book, and evidence of self-development and mediation practice. Tutors reserve the right to change the course content to better reflect the current research and new healing topics.
Full guidance will be given. This course is in line with UK National Occupational Standards of (NOS) or Healing and Reiki. Successful completion of the course allows graduates to register with the Pure Channel Healing Association.
Course Objectives
To help the student to develop:
An ability to make use of professional support mechanisms: self-reflective practice, supervision and self-care.
An appreciation for the need for continued professional and personal development.
Knowledge and awareness in working with healing energies, and competence in using a range of healing techniques.
A caring, respectful, open-hearted, non-judgmental approach towards themselves and their clients.
Inner stillness, acknowledgment of their changing states of consciousness and connection with the healing intelligence of the psyche, the source, universal power and other intelligent beings.
An understanding and acceptance of alternative belief systems
Good listening skills, inner attentiveness and interpersonal awareness.
An awareness of their professional role and the responsibilities it entails, including boundaries, confidentiality, adhering to a professional code of conduct, to strive for continued best practice and awareness of the knowledge of the relevant UK laws.
A programme of constructive self-healing and maintenance of their own good health.
To ensure that they have the appropriate skills and experience to work safely and effectively
To ensure that on completion of the course they are a skilled and competent Healing Practitioner.
Course Modules
Each module will focus on set of Healing topics and aspects of healing. Different meditation techniques and practices will be taught over each weekend. There will always be a section related to anatomy, systems or medical science and a section on the law, professional behaviour and presentation to general public.
Mentoring regarding case studies, assignments, assessments and supervised healing sessions will take place over the weekend and via skype or zoom between modules.
Module One
Intro and overview of the course including requirements for successful completion (hours, log book, case studies, assignments and assessments)
What is Healing?
Introduction to the Meridians & the Central Meridian
Ailments and metaphysical causes
How to become better healers
History of Healing
What is Spiritual Healing? Reiki? Energy Healing?
Relaxation, Breathing, Meditations and Visualisation
Reiki I Attunement (Self-Healing)
Reiki Self-treatment
Reiki Principals
The Chakras colours
Governing Meridian
A Natural Healing Experiment
Cells and the Physical Body
Law – Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The Chakras sounds
The Role of Our Emotions
Emotional Vibrational Healing
Emotional Intelligence
Seven levels of healing
Code of Conduct
Assessment: Code of Conduct Exam
Assignment 1 on the topic of Healing
Module Two
What is Energy?
Energy Healing
Healing procedure
Lung Meridian
Healing Energy Scan Procedure
Hand and Feet meridians
Pericardium Meridian
Crystals for boosting energy flow
The Aura, the Human Energy Field and Energy Bodies
Trapped, blocked, stagnant energy
Crystals for clearing
Heart Meridian
Law – Data Protection
Dowsing and pendulum use
Small Intestine Meridian
Iridology Introduction
Anatomy & Physiology
Assessments: Role play – practice explaining what energy healing in various scenarios; Energy Healing; Case Studies; Procedure and environment for couch healing; Q & A on Energy Healing
Assignment 2 on the topic of Energy
Module Three
What is Spiritual Healing?
Stages of Disease
Laws – Children
Triple Heater Meridian
The Role of Thought Patterns and Intent in Healing
Meet your Guides
Large Intestine Meridian
Different Stages of Consciousness
Work with your Guides
Law – Discrimination
Liver Meridian
Trance Healing (and Mediumship)
Working with Colour
Spleen Meridian
Anatomy & Systems
Assessments: Spiritual Healing; Case Studies; Procedure and environment for chair healing; Q & A on Spiritual Healing.
Assignment 3 on the topic of Spiritual Healing
Module Four
Sound and Vibration Healing
Working with Vulnerable People
Understanding the Ego, Inner Self and the Higher Self
Working in Other Dimensions
Law – Mental Health and Capacity
Basic First Aid
Anatomy and Systems
Assessments: Presentation on Holistic Healing Practice; Q & A on the Meridians
Assignment 4 on the topic of Sound Healing
Module Five
Reiki II Attunement
Meet your Reiki Higher Guide
Kidney Meridian
Distant and Absent Healing
Healing Minute
Stomach Meridian
Law – Health and Safety
Infection Control
Gallbladder Meridian
Listening and Communication Skills
Bladder Meridian
Assessments: Reiki; Case Studies; Procedure and environment for Reiki; Q & A on Reiki.
Assignment 5 on the topic of Reiki
Module Six
Palliative Care
Stages of Death and Dying
Understanding Concepts of Spirit, Soul and Divine Spark
Karma and Reincarnation
Inter-life and Soul Plans
Law – Pregnancy
Stress Management
Assessments: Role play – Dealing with Terminal Illness and Death;
Assignment on the topic of Death and Dying
Module Seven
Personal Development
Shadow and Soul Work
Healing Research and Studies
Working in NHS settings or part of a MDT
Administration and Record Keeping
Law – Trades Description
Assessments: Role play challenges, Q & A Infection Control, Q & A on Trades Description
Assignment on the topic of Personal and Professional Development
Module Eight
Setting up Professional Practice
CPD Requirements and plan
Creating Professional and Supportive Relationships
Pure Channel Healing Association and other recommended Organisations and Associations
Final Assessment: Holistic Healing Practice, interview, presentation of case studies and log book reflective practice.
Assignment on topic on Setting up a Professional Practice as a Healing Practitioner
Module Nine
Reiki Master (optional)
Implementing your Healing Research/Study
Five year plan
Final Assessment: Holistic Healing Practice, interview, final presentation of case studies and log book reflective practice (for those who did not complete this during the last module)